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Tasmania Ancient Forest Film Screening & Info Night

    WhenAug, 27 2009
    from 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm

    Climate Camp Ireland Present:

    Tasmania Ancient Forest Film Screening & Info Night

    Seomra Spraoi Thursday 27th August 7.30pm


    Tasmania’s Ancient Forests are under threat!


    Come along and learn about Tasmania’s Ancient Forests, the threat they face, the campaign to save them & how you can get involved in 31st August International Day of Action To Protect Tasmania’s Ancient Forest


    Tasmania is Australia's southern island with far stretching wild lands. On the Eastern border of the South West World Heritage Area is the vast and wild Southern Forests. What does remain of the Southern Forests is ecologically and culturally valuable to the Western Tasmanian wilderness area. Here in this wild country are valleys of ancient landscapes, tall eucalypt rainforest, untamed rivers, karst systems, diverse plant and animal life in a spectacular setting of glaciated highland peaks and lakes.


    Currently unprotected and being devastated by shocking industrial forestry practices that clearfell, burn and poison large areas, the Southern Forests, are being lost.


    What’s it got to do with Climate Change?


    Like a giant safe-deposit box, old growth forests lock in vast amounts of carbon. As trees and undergrowth grow they draw in carbon dioxide. Over centuries, this carbon is slowly cycled into woody debris and forest soils. Ancient old growth trees, can store tonnes of carbon. After hundreds of years, old growth forests can contain over 1200 tonnes of carbon per hectare.


    Unfortunately much of Tasmania’s remaining old growth forest is threatened by logging. Research shows that it is better, for climate change, to leave old growth forests in the ground rather than logging them and converting them to regrowth or plantations. As forests age, they build up a larger capacity to store carbon in wood, soil and woody debris. Logging undermines this capacity.


    More info:

    Tasmanian Ancient Forest Defence


    Forests & Climate Change:


    Irish Climate Camp:

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