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Better Questions' - Community Development: Lessons for Social Movements

Better Questions' seminar series in Seomra Spraoi began Tuesday 19th January 2010 All seminars take place on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 - dinner served in seomra spraoi from 7.30pm by Peoples Kitchen collective.

    WhenFeb, 03 2010
    from 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm



    Better Questions

    is an initiative that has emerged out of conversations between people engaged in either social movement practices in Dublin and/or thought on radical social change. Our point of convergence is our recognition that we must develop better questions about the world around us in order to change it. This seminar series draws on a wide variety of critical theoretical perspectives to explore contemporary forms of power and possibilities for resistance.


    The talks will take place fortnightly in Seomra Spraoi from 6.30 pm (for directions see


    Wednesday 3rd of February 2010

    Community Development: Lessons for Social Movements


    Mick O'Broin, researcher and activist, will draw on conversations with
    community activists to look at the political possibilities opened up by
    Community Development, focusing on questions of political
    subjectivity, biopolitics and movement institutions.

    Laurence Cox has been an activist for over 25 years. He works with
    activists studying their own movements and co-edits the Interface
    journal <> dedicated to "learning from each
    other's struggles". His contribution will look at what newer anti-capitalist
    movements might have to learn from community organising, and what
    community organising might have to learn from anti-capitalism.


    Upcoming Seminars:


    Wednesday Wednesday 17th of February

    Jaques Ranciere, Alain Badiou and contemporary practices of resistance


    Wednesday 3rd of March

    Roundtable on Praxis


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