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Regular Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday

6 - 10pm

Maybe other times, phone 01 872 8670 to find out

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Guidelines for Running Events

These guidelines are mainly aimed at large events or late night events.

All events should be non-profit based and as open and inclusive of people as reasonably possible. Seomra Spraoi aims to ensure all events are safe for all participants and inline with our Safer Spaces Policy (scroll down).

Please keep the space clean, tidy, and free of junk

The nature of the centre necessitates that all of its users clean up after themselves or, in the case of an event, the organisers make sure the clean up is done. This includes washing any glasses, cups, dishes used. Items for recycling and rubbish should be collected into the relevant bags and put aside for collection. It's a good idea to organise a few people to come in the next day to do a proper clean up after a late event.

Advertise your event well and in good time

 6-8 weeks before event date: Make enquiries with Seomra events group about availability/suitability of this event taking place in seomra.

6 weeks before: Confirm event with Seomra Spraoi events group. Begin booking acts/planning event.

4 weeks before: Confirm all line-up, acts, performances, etc. Send out press release and/or listings info to relevant websites, magazines, newspapers. Begin poster design and preparation for advertising.

3 weeks before: Advertise digitally on all sites and forums (eg Seomra website, facebook, myspace, thumped, etc). Print posters and flyers, put up posters in free spots throughout town, hand out flyers at relevant events.

2 weeks before: Confirm with Seomra that a worker co-ordinator has been appointed for the night. Note that event organiser(s) should not be "working" on the night. Make sure all equipment needed for the night is sorted. Advertise again as above.

1 week before: Liaise with worker co-ordinator, see that all workers for the event are confirmed. Get an idea of running times for the night. Advertise again as above.

Provide at least 3 volunteer workers to help run late night events

Seomra Spraoi is the physical space and not the facilitator of all events in the centre. We have enjoyed many trouble-free events and we hope that this continues to be the case. But problems will occur at some stage especially where alcohol may have been consumed. Therefore we ask that event organisers have a plan to deal with difficult situations and be aware of such problems to ensure that the space is safe and accessible to all users. We ask that you have a number of people present who are sober and willing to deal with potential problems. For night time gigs involving bands or djs, we request that you provide 3 people to work with Seomra Spraoi volunteers on the night.

Ask for donations at your event

Seomra Spraoi is non-profit and no one gets a wage for working here. It is run entirely on the contributions of our users and well-wishers. We are very grateful for this generosity as it pays the rent, electricity, gas, maintenance costs, etc. More funds are needed to ensure that we can keep the project running.



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