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Monday - Thursday

6 - 10pm

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Irish Climate Camp Awareness Raiser

Doors open 6pm, event starts 6.30pm sharp! - Format: Introduction of event and slideshows, Food served @6.30, Film: (to be confirmed) The Power of Community, starts 7.30pm, after film there will be open discussion about Climate Camp Aims and Principles and a chance to have all questions answered. Also, some short clips of previous Climate Camps and Ecotopia.

    WhenApr, 11 2009
    from 06:00 pm to 11:00 pm
    Ever wondered what exactly Climate Camp is? What it hopes to achieve? How is it organised and who is organising the Irish one? Now is your chance to have your questions answered, contribute your opinions and hopefully get more involved in this ambitous, challenging project, which has great potential to bring people together in the battle against climate and social injustice.

    The Power of Community
    When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens. It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period." The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.

    The slideshow's and shorts will be from the Irish Ecotopia and Previous Climate Camps. If you have photo's or footage to add please send it to me asap.

    The food will be Vegan/Vegetarian, food prepared by Seomra Spraoi's Kitchen Group. If you want to help or bring extra deserts I can put you in touch with kitchen group.


    The event is free entry, with a suggested donation for food. It is a non-alcoholic event. The event will end about 11pm.

    Any questions or comment please contact me on 0868041898 or smartboy365@

    on behalf of Dublin Climate Camp Group

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