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'Offside' - Hands off the People of Iran

Hands Off the People of Iran will hold an information meeting and a screening of Offside in Seomra Spraoi on Thursday 11 November at 7.15 pm.

    WhenNov, 11 2010
    from 07:15 pm to 09:25 pm

    HOPI film poster

    The film tells the story of soccer mad Iranian girls who dress up as boys so that they can go to the world cup qualifying match in Tehran. Women are banned from attending all sporting events in Iran and face arrest and imprisonment if caught.

    The production is both a serious examination of the level of repression and a light-hearted look at the ridiculous lengths the Islamic regime is prepared to go in order to keep control.

    The director Jafar Panahi spent three months in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, protests that at the moment he has little hope of making another film - all he can do is film one in his head. But, he says defiantly: “I will have to make a film - that is my life.”

    Review at:

    Hands Off The People Of Iran – Ireland is an activist campaign and its objectives are to;

    Work to oppose the threat of any imperialist intervention, war or sanctions against Iran.

    Seek to build active, practical solidarity with grass-roots radical secular forces in Iran, the militant women’s, workers and students movements.

    We fight for regime change, both in Iran and in the imperialist countries. But we know that change must come from below - from the struggles of the working class and social movements - if it is to lead to genuine liberation.

    Our campaign demands are:

    * No to imperialist war! For the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of US/UK troops from Iraq and the entire Gulf region!

    * No to any imperialist intervention. The immediate and unconditional end to sanctions on Iran.

    * No to the theocratic regime!

    * Opposition to Israeli expansionism and aggression!

    * Support to all working class and progressive struggles in Iran against poverty and repression!

    * Support for socialism, democracy and workers' control in Iran!

    * For a nuclear-free Middle East as a step towards a nuclear-free world!




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