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Organizing the Digital Assembly Line: Labour’s Resistance in the Call Centre

Low pay. High stress. Constant surveillance. Here one day and outsourced the next. Call centre work has exploded in the last 20 years, but delivers precarious and highly exploitative jobs. This discussion and screening explores some of the ways in which workers are responding to life on the digital assembly line and reflects on how they and their allies might extend collective organizing within the call centre. Featuring clips from recent documentaries on call centre work in India and Italy, the evening will be devoted to sharing strategy and building links between call centre workers, trade unionists and community activists.

    WhenJul, 14 2009
    from 08:00 pm to 09:30 pm

    Low pay. High stress. Constant surveillance. Here one day and
    outsourced the next.  Call centre work has exploded in the last 20
    years, but delivers precarious and highly exploitative jobs.  This
    discussion and screening explores some of the ways in which workers are
    responding to life on the digital assembly line and reflects on how
    they and their allies might extend collective organizing within the
    call centre. Featuring clips from recent documentaries on call centre
    work in India and Italy, the evening will be devoted to sharing
    strategy and building links between call centre workers, trade
    unionists and community activists.


    Enda Brophy is a postdoctoral fellow at York University in Toronto,
    and is writing a book on labour organizing in call centres.

    Des Derwin is a long term trade union activist with his union SIPTU,
    who will share his experiences of the effects of social partnership on
    trade union organising over the past two decades.

    Brought to you by Volta Cinema. (thanks guys!!! - seomra spraoi)

    VENUE: SEOMRA SPRAOI 10 Belvedere Court (Just off MT JOY SQ).

    TIME AND DATE: TUESDAY JULY 14TH 8 PM.Call Centers Struggles

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