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Regular Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday

6 - 10pm

Maybe other times, phone 01 872 8670 to find out

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Seomra Spraoi Launch Weekend!

day two of our launch weekend!

    WhenFeb, 15 2009
    from 01:00 am to 01:00 am

    Saturday 14th February 

    noon - 4pm 
    Bike repair workshop in the seomra, hosted by our newly formed bike group 

    noon - 2pm
    A radical walking tour of the north inner city, hosted by local historian Terry Fagan.
    places on the walking tour are limited to 15 and the cost is 6.50, 
    to book a place, please email

    noon - 2pm
    Gardening & seed planting. help grow the new seomra's garden!

    2 - 3pm
    Lunch, Zapatista coffee and fancy cakes (Veggie/vegan & gluten free options available)
    Cooked & served by Dublin's sexiest chefs The People's Kitchen

    3 - 4:30pm
    Stencil graffiti workshop

    4 - 6pm
    Social Centres Workshop - A popular education participatory exercise on the historical trajectory of social centres, 
    mapping out the link between capitalism, social movements and social centres

    4 - 6pm
    A workshop on electronic music hosted by Herv

    8 - 1am
    Paisean Faisean - fancy dress party with music from DJs Deki & Krossphader

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