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Monday - Thursday

6 - 10pm

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The Masked Activists Ball

    WhenApr, 16 2010
    from 01:00 am to 01:00 am

    The Masked Activists' Ball
    Launching the MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism at

    Do you fancy yourself as Zorro, Phoolan Devi, Robin Hood, Granuaile, Pancho
    Villa, Annie Oakley, Captain Jack Sparrow, Subcomandante Marcos?

    Is there a guerrilla, guerrilla gardener, Raging Granny, highwayman (or woman),
    graffiti artist, Woman in Black, Amsterdam squatter, Italian partisan, French
    68er, cloaked anarchist or Communard buried deep in your subconscious?

    Set them free tonight!

    We're launching a serious course for social movement organisers, community
    educators, NGO workers, grassroots activists, advocates with minority groups,
    feminists, GLBTQ activists, environmentalists, trade unionists, solidarity activists,
    development workers, anti-racists, anti-war activists etc etc etc - people who are
    already doing it and want to do it better, and people who want to start, learning
    from each other's experience and skills. But we reckon we should have fun along
    the way...

    More about the course at

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